Prof Brendon Noble FRSB, FRSA
Trustee and Chair
Professor Brendon Noble is a medicines development specialist and biotechnologist with an interest in musculoskeletal health, biomaterials and cell therapy production. He has been working in the field of stem cell biology since 1989. He developed his work in the Medical School at Cambridge University where he jointly held a Medical Research Council (MRC) Programme grant in the MRC Bone Group and was then Professor of Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh where he directed the Bone and Cartilage Repair Programme in the Medical Research Council “Centre for Regenerative Medicine”. His research work has been funded by the MRC, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the UK Stem Cell Foundation, Pfizer, Novartis, Geron Corporation and other sources to a value of over £10 million.
Professor Noble has co-founded two cell therapy companies and has patented in the cell therapy field. He is familiar with the complexities and challenges associated with new cell therapy production for clinical use. In addition, he has served on vision groups for a range of innovation parks and incubators, is Chair of the Life Sciences Sector Group of the New Anglia Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Universities Representative on the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership European Structural Investment Fund Group, a member of the Academic Health Sciences Network Industry Advisory Group, has served as, Board Member of the Norfolk and Suffolk Dementia Alliance and sits on the board of the Social Enterprise Mark.
He is Trustee and Director of the medical charity the UK Stem Cell Foundation, Trustee and a Board member of the Frozen Ark charity and is a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Society of Arts. He currently holds an appointment as Pro-Vice Chancellor, Research & Innovation and Professor of Regenerative Medicine at the University of St Mark & St John, Plymouth.
Brendon is a Trustee of the Frozen Ark and has initiated some of the thinking around external communication and public engagement. He is an expert in the isolation and cryopreservation of stem cells for human medical use and brings this level of thinking to the team.
Contact Details:
Brendon Noble FRSA, FRSB, FIKE
Head of the School of Life Sciences
Professor of Regenerative Medicine
School of Life Sciences
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
University of Westminster
115 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6UW.
t: 02079115000 x 64569
m: +447788335426
Prof Brendon Noble FRSB, FRSA (Chair)